Nanofiber concentrator portable electrospinning device

Issued 2022-04-11

Author(drafter):Inv. Ali Bakhshi
Filed by (applicant):Inv. Ali Bakhshi
Inventor(s):Inv. Ali Bakhshi, Amirreza Ojagh
Assignee(s):Inv. Ali Bakhshi (50%), Amirreza Ojagh (50%)

Application No.:140050140003006648
Arbitration of Patent:Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council


Engineered nanofibers have great importance due to the increase in surface area and the ability to control the properties of nanofibers such as structure, chemical properties, and composition of electrospinning solution in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, tissue engineering, agriculture, packaging, and etc. The fabricated battery-operated handheld electrospinning system has less weight, volume and cost, and the ability to produce controlled nanofibers by solving problems like distance, manual control, and control of fiber concentration (different areas or shapes) in addition to the possibility of using in situ electrospinning with the ability of parameter's change during production. Changing the distribution of the electric field can control the concentration of fibers in the collector and due to the portability of the system, the collector can be different surfaces such as skin, wounds, fruits, and etc. Loading of drugs, nanoparticles and other additives is also practical. Different nanofibers are electospinned by this system and according to the performed tests and adjusting key factors such as distance, high voltage, solution concentration, ratio of two polymers, nozzle distance, ground electrode, and etc., nanofibers and nanoparticles can be synthesized in diameters of about 47 nm (PVA-Chitosan test) by changing the parameters.

Download patent from "Real Estate Registration Organization of Iran-Office of Industrial Property": 106728
Start-Up webpages: Google Website, spinfiber
Patent certification in persian: Certification of Nanofiber concentrator portable electrospinning device