Magnetic field sensors based on tapered optical fiber

Issued 2021-10-11

Author(drafter):Inv. Ali Bakhshi
Filed by (applicant):Inv. Ali Bakhshi
Inventor(s):Inv. Ali Bakhshi, Maisam Jalaly, Mohammad Vahedi
Assignee(s):Inv. Ali Bakhshi (40%), Maisam Jalaly (30%), Mohammad Vahedi (30%)

Application No.:140050140003000141
Arbitration of Patent:Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council
Evaluation of Patent:Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology


Magnetic field is considered as a key element in various industries, which can be referred to magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic pacing, bio-magnetism, magnetic field study, etc. The use of light speed in measuring changes, the advantage of sampling rate and high speed of magnetic nano-materials over the rapid change of magnetic moment is an added advantage of the sensor. Optical fiber tapering increases the evanescence and penetration of light (attenuated field) into the external environment, and by interacting the field with the coating layer, sensitivity is created in the sensor. Depending on the type of tapering, the modes of the fiber can be controlled. The present sensor is based on the change in light intensity (semiconductor laser with a wavelength of 1550 nm) which is measured with a sensitive photo-diode in the same wavelength range. Nano-composite layer was used to control the size, coating. By changing the magnetic field, the interactions of magnetic spheres (or domains) change the refractive index and light intensity. The optical fiber used is a single-mode fiber with a cladding diameter of 125 and a core of 9 microns, which is tapered by the heat-tensile method and achieves a high linear sensitivity with a fast reaction.

Download patent from "Real Estate Registration Organization of Iran-Office of Industrial Property": 105387
Start-Up webpages:Google Website, fiberSense
Patent certification in persian: Certification of Magnetic field sensors based on tapered optical fiber